Online advertising offers advertisers the cutting edge
Online advertising has the following unique advantages:
Broad reach Round-the-clock accessibility; anyone can access it anytime, anywhere.
Cost-effective Low cost; contents can be fine-tuned anytime, low wastage
Interactive Target audiences click on banner advertisement and advertisers get immediate feedback.
Targeted The right customers are reached by just a click.
Quantifiable Page view statistics are accurately recorded, target audiences are clearly defined
Sensory experience The multi-media format using text, sounds and images offers audiences a unique sensory experience.
What advertisers have to say:
Microsoft "Nearly all Internet users are our customers and NetEase's users are our priority customers!"
IBM "The world is one big Internet community with huge e-commerce opportunities. NetEase offers limitless opportunities!"
Nokia "A network with no boundaries. A world inter-connected. The Internet has become one of the best communication options. NetEase is the best choice of communication"
P&G "Online advertising is the business tool of the future. We will not miss out on the opportunities it offers and definitely not NetEase!"
Audi "With NetEase, we can find our customers right away and understand their needs!"
Haier "The Internet is the way to success for China's home appliances product in the new millennium. Working with NetEase is half the battle won!"
999 Pharmacy "NetEase is the fastest way to promote health to the mass audience. NetEase can help us deliver results!"
Online Bookstore DangDang: "Going on the Internet and promoting it - that's the way to go. We choose NetEase!"
Ogilvy & Mather "Online advertising is the new frontier in advertising and NetEase takes the lead!"
Zenith Media "Online advertising is a "must" in our proposal to clients. NetEase is our top choice!"